Most economical manufacturing of complex part geometry
The cold forming process enables a minimum of processing steps for the manufacturing of a component part. Even complex part geometry can be produced without subsequent mechanical processes.
Precise transfer press tools enable a targeted deforming of the starting material. As a result of the characteristic strain hardening, subsequent heat treatment is no longer necessary. Thus installation-ready parts can be produced with a minimum of operation steps.

Proven 100,000 times
Every year PTS produces up to 100,000 component parts in the cold forming process. Our well-proven manufacturing process is based on high quality standards and this guarantees stability and a consistent quality class.
Outstanding in terms of economics, stability and functionality
Our reshaping process enables a chip-free and burr-free pressing of recesses. In addition, the strength of the component part is increased with every deformation. Due to the increased stability, component parts with lower materials usage and more compact construction design can be designed and consequently realized with less weight.
We have brought our manufacturing process to series production readiness. This means we can economically produce volumes extending from very small series up to industrial high volumes. The result: cost-favorable manufacturing of the most stable and functionally-superior component parts.
Complex part geometry in one manufacturing step
By means of cold forming, the most complex component parts can be produced in only one manufacturing step. By means of the intelligent combining of individual work operations, such as for example deep drawing, pressing, rolling and/or pinching, finished component parts can be manufactured in only one single work operation - of course with different wall-thickness as well.