Sophisticated technology for cold forming
Orbital technology is one of the most efficient processes for the cold forming of high-precision component parts. In this area as well, PTS has been a specialist for many years.
Since the forming force acts on only a part of the surface of the workpiece, the maximum stress occurring exceeds its yield stress only slightly. Although the required forming force is considerably lower than in case of extrusion, large degrees of forming can be realized completely crack-free. It is exactly in the production of small series that orbital pressing is the exceptional technology.

Best quality at low costs
Orbital pressing is an extremely efficient technology, both technically as well as regarding costs. Therefore PTS optimally takes into account the highest quality according to the requirements of its customers, with simultaneous application of economics. This is because PTS is the specialist in the development of methodical processes for the manufacturing of more precise and more functionally-decisive modular elements, within an attractive cost framework.
Least material usage
Component parts are produced with PTS from the lowest possible amount of raw material. As early as at the stage of cutting the material into lengths, we provide for a minimum material loss - if possible we eliminate it completely.
With subsequent cold forming application, the component part is provided with the corresponding shape. In this case also, practically no material loss arises, for example with the completely chip-free and burr-free pressing of recesses.
Top quality in series production
During series production the individual operation steps are monitored systematically. In the same way, the manufacturing process is subjected to further optimization processes, where improvement potentials can be identifiable.
To meet the highest quality requirements, we use the most updated test processes exclusively: For example, fully-automatic testing with sensitive coordinate measuring systems with additional visual final part inspection.
Our quality assurance is exemplary and guarantees consistent series-production quality - for every single component.